April 2024
Welcome to Torrance High School!
Scheduling for our incoming freshmen from our feeder middle schools will begin on Monday, April 8th. Counselors will be visiting Hull Middle School and Madrona Middle School to deliver our scheduling presentation to students on this day.
We will also be hosting our Incoming Freshman Parent Night on Wednesday, April 10th at 6:00pm in the THS Auditorium.
This year, we will be utilizing an online scheduling format for schedule our students into their classes for next year. Hull and Madrona students will be submitting their course requests in PowerSchool. We understand that this process may be new to some of you so we are going to provide detailed instructions to help you navigate the online course request scheduling feature on PowerSchool.
Your scheduling window to submit your course requests for next year will open on April 8, 2024 at the end of the school day. The deadline to submit your course requests will be Wednesday, April 17, 2024 by 3:30pm. Students will no longer be able to change or submit their course requests after April 17th.
Please note that the courses you select are "requests" and that counselors will be making any changes, as needed, to ensure that students will meet their graduation requirements as well as meeting any necessary course prerequisites.
THS counselors will return to the middle schools to meet with students and review their course selections on the following dates:
Hull Middle School - April 18th
Madrona Middle School - April 19th
Counselors will be available to meet with our incoming 9th graders from private schools or on permit for scheduling for the fall. The counseling office will start scheduling appts beginning the month of May.
Students interested in athletics should plan to attend Torrance High School’s Extracurricular Night on April 18th, 2024. More information regarding this event and our athletic programs will be available in the coming weeks. For students that are interested in participating in sports, please continue to monitor your emails or the Athletics page on the Torrance High School website for more information regarding try-outs, clearance information, and eligibility.
For most athletic programs, students are required to try-out and submit medical clearance forms before being placed on the team with the exception of football, wrestling and cross country. Students interested in other sports should select PE 9 when submitting their course requests on PowerSchool. Once students have completed try outs and have been medically cleared, counselors will receive final rosters from our coaches and will adjust schedules accordingly.
​For students interested in taking a summer course, please take a look at the summer programs list. Please note that it is your responsibility to enroll yourself into your summer class.
Once the student has completed their summer course and provided their counselor with a copy of their summer transcript, schedules will be adjusted accordingly.